Discover the 7 Myths Stopping You From Reaching States of Consciousness Known as: Enlightenment, Unitive Consciousness, Non Duality, Persistent Mystical Experience.

The Science

Lean more about the science behind Fundamental Wellbeing, and the world's largest scientific research project into it.

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Watch or listen to interviews with the project's chief scientist to learn more about the backstory of the project and its findings.

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What Participants Say

Hear from over a hundred people who have used the Finders Course protocol to transition to Fundamental Wellbeing and/or deepen into it.

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Hear What Others Have To Says

“Prior to starting the course I was quite severely depressed, probably bordering on suicidal. Lots of problems with parents and illness, business was very difficult and very bad. It just seems to be the past 5 to 8 years an uphill struggle every day.

Constant recriminations about, "I could have done it better. I should have done this. I should have done that. What if I'd have done this? what if I'd have done that?" On and on and on. The whole day seemed to be recriminations about what I had done, or hadn't done, or should have done, or could have done.

The rest of the time was then preoccupied with, "What if this happens? What happens tomorrow? What if we do this, do that, do the other, go down this road, go down that road, go down the other…" Just a constant battle of worry and anxiety all the time.

I have to think hard about that, because all of that is gone now. Absolutely gone. So quite a different place from where I was barely 6 months ago.

The change for me is almost incomprehensible. Everything is absolutely perfect. I have no desire to change anything. I feel quite comfortable. Things are as they are, and I feel quite looked after. I feel part of a huge whole of which you're me, and I'm you, and everything is. It's quite difficult to put words to.”

Paul Buxton

Finders Course Alumni and Mentor

“I was pretty much a happy person before the course, but now I am more in wellbeing and I have inner peace and joy. And am just experiencing life from a new awareness, a new consciousness.

How do you explain a transformation from happiness to extreme happiness. There's just an inner joy. It doesn't matter what's going on, what the life situation is.

I have infinite patience. All judgment has just totally dissolved. When you reach that state of oneness and beingness and realize we are all one, that all goes towards the inner peace, the patience, the stillness the calmness and the being.”

Rebekah Reese

Finders Course Alumni and Mentor

“I was a very angry person. Very negative. Very much wanting to be left alone by everyone and everything, but in a negative sort of way. I didn't find a lot of pleasure in anything I did. I didn't see a lot of good about my life in general.

All that has fallen away. I have a very, very deep sense of happiness, of wellbeing. I'm not angry anymore. I released it all, and I just feel totally contented with life now.”

Sherrie Miller

Finders Course Alumni

“When we began the course, I feel like I was in a really good place. The Finders Course helped to push me over that last hurdle to something I'd been looking for my whole life, this transcendent experience that I'd read about, and heard about, and all of my great heroes all had experiences with.”

Gordon Harris

Finders Course Alumni and Mentor

“Before I took the course I was pretty happy most of the time, but I could still get irritated with people sometimes when things didn't go my way. And, I definitely pretty much had an idea of how everything should go, so that would be a source of frustration.

With taking the course, I found a lot more acceptance of not only others, but also myself. And I became even happier. The times when things might disturb me are at a much lower level and don't hang around long at all. A lot of times it doesn't even bother me.

I'm just aware that, "oh, that would have bothered me in the past." I would talk to myself. I would say, "you shouldn't let this bother you, blah, blah, blah." I would do all this self talk, and now almost all the time its just automatic.

It's just an experience of feeling love. You can be in a group, and as each person talks I'm just feeling all this positive regard for them, and acceptance of what they are saying. It doesn't have to be what I think and feel. So, it's not like they're clones, but just this overall acceptance of each person.

God is in everything. That's the way I experience it. That everything that is, is that essence. Whether it's divine essence or just the essence of life.”

Patricia Diekman

Finders Course Alumni and Mentor

“I took a long time to retire. The change is really quite don't have to do stuff anymore...there's this big hole…so…I started filling it up with…things…some of them were good and others weren't so good. My emotions were getting more intense, especially the negative ones…I could keep myself busy but that's not the point. There's this underlying…dissatisfaction…I knew I needed to do something. I wasn't going to spend the rest of my life like that.

This new place…includes both what I see and how I think things work…everything is more alive and brighter. I was eating my breakfast one day and was like wow, this tastes really good! Wait a second, this is the same breakfast I have everyday. What's different?

There's also more of a sense of me being here….Before, it was a bit like being a ghost…Now I feel I'm totally here…in the world, connected to the world…I also experience…that quietness where there seems to be more space in the brain cavity…maybe that's…not having the self referential thoughts going on. I don't react the same way…It's not triggering as much so that helps…because I think a lot of problems come from…responses as opposed to staying in the moment.”

Wayne Fung

Finders Course Alumni and Mentor