Introducing The World’s Most Successful Scientifically Derived Modern Meditation Course

Experience Persistent Awakening With The Finders Course

Join Hundreds of Others Who Have Transitioned From Seeker to Finder In The World’s Most Rapid, Reliable, Proven and Safest Way to Experience Persistent Awakening in from Just 1 to 14 Weeks

Apply For Finders Course Now

Overcoming 'The Problem Of The Human Condition'

Do any of the following sound familiar to you?

Negative self-talk and self-inflicted suffering...

Anxiety, worry, fear...

Frustration with the process of life...

Anger at yourself or others…

Rumination, overthinking and inability to let go…

Lack of presence, focus, or concentration...

Depressed mood or loneliness...

If so, you’re not alone.

These are core elements of ‘The Human Condition’ that also includes the nagging feeling that something just isn’t quite right.

Most often, they lead to an endless search for contentment over our lifetime, and a seemingly endless string of goals, some of which are achieved and some of which aren’t.

No matter how many goals you achieve trying to get that nagging feeling to go away, nothing works.

All of this negatively affects your health, the quality of your relationships, your progress with work and, overall, dramatically drops the quality of your life.

That’s no way to live!

It’s not your fault... and now there is finally a reliable escape from it.

A Faster, Easier, More Convenient Way to Experience Lasting Inner Peace

And with it—a profound sense of meaning and fulfillment.

The reason you feel this way is not because you aren’t doing enough, aren't good enough, or moral enough, or compassionate enough—or whatever label you may have given to yourself.

This suffering is completely normal. It comes from living with the ‘default’ biology of being human.

However, our research has shown that just because this suffering is normal, it doesn’t mean this is the way it has to be.

The truth of a deeper nature has been hidden from you.

There’s a ‘switch’ that can be flipped in the brain that changes everything, and you can join the millions who have escaped the fate that nature originally had in store for them.

Now there is a proven and systematic way to uncover your truest nature. The one that helps seekers find what they are looking for and live from an extraordinary place most cannot imagine.

Maybe you’ve had a glimpse of this way of life before…

Is Persistent Peak Experience Possible?

Much of our discontentment in life comes from a deep and fundamental knowing that things could be better, because we’ve experienced better before… if only for moments at a time.

Moments that come as a sense of deep fulfillment, stillness, significance, unification, and joy in your moment-to-moment experience. This experience can be difficult to be put into words, but those who have been there recognize it.

The famous American Psychologist, Abraham Maslow, described these moments as peak experiences: moments of "high-happiness and high-fulfillment" and noted that they often change someone forever in very positive ways.

These peak experiences show us that our brains are wired to receive and exist in this state.

That there’s no need to wonder “is this possible for me” because it’s already been experienced.

Unfortunately, peak experiences fade.

And people who have had one or more of these experiences often yearn for them to return and expend considerable time and effort trying to make it happen.

It can almost feel like the universe is teasing you.

Showing you how amazing life can be, but keeping it just out of reach in your moment-to-moment experience.

Towards the end of his life Dr. Maslow experienced a persistent form of what he’d previously called ‘peak experiences’ and began to seriously research them. This research convinced him that these were the highest form of human experience. In fact, he considered them so important that he founded a new branch of psychology to study them.

With the Finders Course research experiment, we sought to understand how to make these experiences persistent, so you can consistently live with peak levels of well-being, as opposed to them being fleeting glimpses of a rare state.

But this struggle isn’t a new one, and the problem we’ve solved with Finders Course is as old as humanity itself…

Finally, a Modern Solution for an Ancient Problem

Humanity has always been searching for permanent solutions to what ails us, and while some traditions do work for some people, for the vast majority of people these traditions are unapproachable and no longer relevant.

Most methods for achieving a persistent non-dual, or mystical state come from books that are hundreds, or even thousands of years old. Even if we could go back in time and understand what the authors actually intended, many have been altered over the years in a generational children's game of telephone.

This has resulted in a lot of misunderstanding, wasted time, and in the end a feeling of frustration and jadedness for seekers who are committed to living a life of high-happiness and fulfillment in modern times.

Which is why for over 12 years of research across many cultures and traditions, we've uncovered, sorted and sequenced the most effective practices for achieving the persistent experience you're looking for.

Beneath the dogma, metaphor, and hierarchy of these traditions from both East and West is a core cocktail of practices that does produce results.

So, we reached in, found this core, and brought it in step with the pace of modern life.

You Can Experience Deep Inner Peace And A Fully Balanced Modern Life

We took what the ancients had to teach us, combined it with the most recent innovations in this area, quantified its effectiveness and brought it into the modern era.

Through this process, we learned that many ‘rules’ simply weren’t relevant. For example, restrictions on sex, food, money, and more may have been practical and helpful in past cultures, but proved to no longer be relevant to the modern person and his or her ability to reach these ways of experiencing life.

It turns out that you can get rich if you want. Be a hermit. Have sex. Have no sex. Eat meat and twinkies, or don’t.

The lesson from the research was conclusive: this stuff doesn’t matter.

However, what does matter is living an optimum life.

A life of high-peace and high-performance. Where you can meet the demands of daily life, have thriving relationships, optimally raise your kids and excel at work…

Without losing grace, becoming non-functional or out of step.

A life where happiness is something you experience without condition. Where meaning and purpose are deepened by your daily life—not compromised by it.

And instead of seeming weird to your friends and family, you are able to be more present for them, see things more clearly involving them, and react less to them.

This is all possible, when you find a method that works for you, so you can live the rest of your life from a place of fundamental, unmoving, uncompromised wellbeing.

Introducing: Finders Course

Finders Course is the safest, most rapid and reliable way for every person to transition into persistent awakening and integrate these higher states of consciousness with modern life—and it is scientifically derived.

The course you now have an opportunity to take is the result of the largest global research project on Persistent Non-Symbolic Experience (PNSE), also known as non-duality, persistent mystical states, unitive states, transcendental consciousness, and many other terms. Publicly we refer to these as forms of Fundamental Wellbeing.

We found there is no “one right way,” “one right path” or “one right form” for experiencing a transition to persistent Fundamental Wellbeing.

Instead transitioning requires finding your meditation fit and uncovering what gets the best results for you using a scientific and quantifiable process.

During the course you will experience a wide variety of methods that have proven to transition 70% of participants who successfully completed the program in as little as 1 to 14 weeks.

About the Creator:

Dr. Jeffery Martin

Jeffery is the author of The Finders and is a founder of the Transformative Technology space, a serial entrepreneur, and a social scientist who researches personal transformation and the states of greatest human well-being. Over the last 10 years Jeffery has conducted the largest international study on persistent non-symbolic experience (PNSE), which includes the types of consciousness commonly known as: enlightenment, nonduality, the peace that passeth understanding, unitive experience, and hundreds of other terms. This resulted in the first reliable, cross-cultural and pan-tradition classification system for these types of experience. Most recently he has been using what this groundbreaking project learned to make these forms of human experience safely, reliabily and rapidly accessible.

Jeffery is a bestselling author and award-winning educator who has authored, co-authored, or co-edited over 20 books and numerous other publications. His work has regularly been featured at leading academic conferences worldwide, as well as major public forums such as Deepak Chopra’s Sages and Scientists Symposium, Wisdom 2.0, H+, the Science and Nonduality Conference, the Asia Consciousness Festival, and TEDx. He has been covered in media as diverse as the South China Morning Post and PBS’s Closer to Truth, and been an invited speaker at many top universities including: Harvard, Yale, Stanford, University of London, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and the National University of Singapore.

Jeffery Speaking at the Buddhism and Science Symposium...

Jeffery conducting research at the Transformative Technology Lab, in Palo Alto, California.

When You Make A Transition to Persistent Fundamental Wellbeing You Will Experience:

  • Less neuroticism, stress, worry, anxiety, and fear.
  • Less negative emotions and experienced for shorter durations.
  • A silencing of critical self-talk and rumination.
  • Increased sensory perception and sensitivity to the pleasures of life.
  • More presence with your moment to moment experience and a deepening of life experience.
  • Greater connection and compassion in your relationships.
  • More meaning and feelings of significance.
  • Greater focus, concentration, creativity and insight.
  • And much, much more...

These are all common when you experience a transition to persistent Fundamental Wellbeing, and are followed by even more profound shifts in consciousness the further you deepen into this new state of being.

From Seeker to Finder

When you transition from Seeker to Finder, everything changes.

Most Finders report that once they transition, everything from their life before…

…all the years of seeking, the challenges, all the failed attempts, all the guilt, sadness…

…completely stops being relevant.

And in its place there is so much more.

Instead, there is happiness for no reason and joy to be discovered in each moment.

Though the experience of the change can sometimes be subtle, it seems to lead to a transformation from the ground up—at the base level of consciousness, from which everything is emerging.

There are many ways to describe this transition, but the best way and only true way to know is to experience it for yourself.

What would it be worth to you, to finally end the search, and live the rest of your life having found what you are looking for?

Why Finders Course is Different:


Finders Course distills what is effective from all cultures and traditions into a proven process that transitions about 70% of participants into persistent Fundamental Wellbeing, regardless of their upbringing or cultural heritage.


When you join Finders Course you will be assigned a to a group, which will keep you accountable and help you to maintain consistency and progress as you practice the methods, and accelerate your transition to persistent Fundamental Wellbeing.

Made for Modern Lifestyle

Finders Course has been designed to integrate perfectly with your modern lifestyle, and in fact help you begin experiencing benefits in as little as a few days, which will contribute to increasing the quality of every other area of your life and make it easier for you to transition.

What Other Students Have Experienced:

Case Study One

"When we began the course, I feel like I was in a really good place. The Finders Course helped to push me over that last hurdle to something I’d been looking for my whole life, this transcendent experience that I’d read about, and heard about, and all of my great heroes all had experiences with."

Gordon Harris

Case Study Two

"In terms of my own sense of happiness, and how I am and how I would compare that with how I was before, I would say that it’s night and day….It’s almost like living in a different world…"

Michael Lydon

Case Study Three

"I had my first experience of awakening in 2010, in a profound shift that never left. Over time, I heard many different stories of awakening and living an awake life and I didn't understand why I experienced some aspects and not others. In 2016 upon taking the Finder's course I finally understood... and I realized it was all ok. It was simply my unique experience, and that continuing on my own unique path, I could very possibly deepen into some of these other experiences.

I came into the Finder's course with all sorts of ideas of what awakening was supposed to look like. As it turns out, my ideas of what awakening should be like kept me from living with more peace and ease post-awakening.

Since taking the Finders Course, I've deepened in my state of Fundamental Wellbeing. I have relaxed into more consciousness and while still experiencing ups and downs in life, I always have access to the profound peace of our true nature.

The love and compassion I've always felt has deepened as I've relaxed into wholeness, ease and peace. I've experienced new depths of awareness, including those I'd read about but never experienced.

Most of all, I'm especially grateful for the amazing FC community that I've come to know and love.

f you're drawn to the Finders Course, I would definitely recommend taking it."

Liz Kennedy

Case Study Four

"...everything is more alive and brighter, like I see things differently...It's like I don't have to try to pay attention but I'm paying attention to everything...

There's also more of a sense of me being here. Again it's a little hard to describe."

Wayne Fung

Hundreds of participants have experienced a rapid, reliable and safe transition to Fundamental Wellbeing and persistent non-duality with Finders Course.

While this experience is difficult to put into words, the best and truly the only way for you to know is to experience it for yourself.

And now is the best time in years to join...

Be Among the First to Use the Newest, Most Advanced and Up-to-Date Version of Finders Course

We’ve run the Finders Course over 20 times in the last 5 years, changing as little as possible over time.

We did this for two reasons, first…because it worked! Second, because an experiment needs to remain the same as possible from one group of people who do it to the next.

That phase of the research has now ended, so we can finally update the course. We’ve taken everything we’ve learned and created a new and improved version of the program, Finders Course 2.0!

An important bonus for being one of the first people to go through this newest version of the course is that you’ll have more access to Jeffery. For some time now most of the course support was handled by people from the research group, alumni and others. However, Jeffery will be carefully monitoring everyone’s progress with the initial groups who use this new version of the program.

During the course you will experience a wide variety of methods that have proven to transition 70% of participants who successfully completed the program in as little as 1 to 14 weeks.

To celebrate the release of Finders Course 2.0 we are reducing the enrollment price by 20%, but only when you enroll for the February class.

Click Below To Apply For Finders Course And Secure Your Spot for 20% Off Now:

What Happens After You Join

After You Join Finders Course You Will:
  1. Be notified immediately of your enrollment status.
  2. Approximately one week before you begin the course, you’ll be asked to take a series of tests and pre-enrollment measures to determine your current state of consciousness and baseline.
  3. These must be completed before you begin the program.
  4. During Week 2 of Finders Course, you will be put into a group who will hold you accountable to your transition for the rest of the course.
  5. You will begin to be taken through a structured process designed to begin and deepen your transition to Fundamental Wellbeing.

Due to the Nature of the Course We Can Only Take a Limited Number of People at a Time:

Due to the hands-on nature of the course and the accountability groups, we can only take a limited number of students for any cohort. And when you apply you will be competing with those who have been waiting for a spot in the program.

So, if you are already practicing and seeking a transition to persistent Fundamental Wellbeing in your life, but have been unable to make the shift and stay there…

Then do not hesitate to apply for Finders Course today and secure your spot in the next cohort.

What's Required for Finders Course

We require an application, beginning with payment, to join Finders Course to ensure that everyone who joins knows what is required of them in order to experience a transition to persistent Fundamental Wellbeing in 1 to 14 weeks.

These requirements not only ensure that you will get the best results, but also that others who take the course with you will get the best results. So, read them thoroughly before applying.

These are the requirements to join Finders Course:

  1. You must commit to the complete the full course. We cannot afford to have people dropping out, as it may affect the success of the program for others in their small group. You must make a completely firm commitment to work through and complete the entire course.
  2. You must be serious about increasing your baseline happiness level. This must be extremely important to you, and something that deeply motivates you.
  3. You should have a desire and strong commitment to experience not only increased happiness, but ongoing Fundamental Wellbeing. Put simply, you should be focused on enlightenment, nonduality, persistent mystical experience, and so forth (Fundamental Wellbeing).
  4. You must be able to devote sufficient time to the course each week:
    • The course is 17 weeks long.
    • During this period, you must be able to set aside a minimum of 2 hours per day for exercises, sometimes even more. Usually this will involve one < 15 minute block upon waking, one < 15 minute block just before sleeping, a 1 hour block at a time of your choosing during the day, and one 30 minute block at a time of your choosing during the day. The lowest time commitment during the course will be 1 hour and 15 minutes per day. It is preferable if you can set aside even more time for the techniques.
    • In addition to the daily time commitment, you must be able to set aside 2-4 additional hours every weekend for instruction.
    • You must be able to set aside an additional 90 minutes once or twice during the week for small group and instructor interaction.
  5. You must complete a series of psychological tracking measures prior to the course, at the half way point, and upon its conclusion; and agree to have your data used in our research study.
  6. You must agree to all terms and conditions and research study consent documents prior to your admission to class being finalized.
  7. You must pay a $2,397 USD enrollment fee prior to the course start date to help cover the expense of putting on the course. (Note: this is discounted from the usual $2,997 USD fee)

Many who join Finders Course say that in the end, the program saved them time, as they found their method and spent their time each day doing only what works for them and produced a noticeable shift in consciousness. So, the process became intrinsically rewarding from the beginning.

But we wanted to be upfront about these requirements, to set the right expectations for you going in.

The results we promise in Finders Course are real, but only if you fully commit to the process that has been proven to work.

However when you do commit, and you make your state of consciousness and level of wellbeing your highest priority, then we can promise that taking Finders Course is the most significant decision you will make.

Approximately 70% of Participants Awaken in 1 to 14 Weeks

Unlike other meditation courses and programs that speak of awakening, Finders Course is scientifically derived and designed to help you transition rapidly, reliably, and safely without complications.

We’ve conducted years of research in an effort to eliminate things like the ‘dark night of the soul’ and other forms of mental and emotional pain that can potentially result from meditation and related practices and that can last for decades.

We take your safety seriously and have spent years engineering this course to maximally bypass these sorts of psychological obstacles, and the research has shown they are optional when it comes to transitioning to Fundamental Wellbeing.

The result is the most reliable program on the market with a prior success rate of 70% of participants who complete it transitioning in as little as 1 to 14 weeks.

And the majority of the rest finish the program significantly better off psychologically (as measured by our scientific tests). They often have temporary experiences of Fundamental Wellbeing and show signs of being on the right path for deepening and progressing.

So, if you are ready to experience a meaningful transition in your life from Seeker, to Finder, and live the rest of your life with happiness from within...

Things are different now, because...

Now Suffering is Optional... So, Why Waste Another Day?

You probably understand now why something that was often only historically achievable after decades under torturous conditions, if at all, can now be achieved safely and from the comfort of your own home.

Science and technology have done what they do best: they have made what was misunderstood, inconvenient, and therefore scarce… into something that is clear, accessible, and abundant.

So, the fact of the matter is now: suffering and the ‘problem of the Human Condition’ is optional.

If you’re having these negative feelings and it’s affecting you, the people you care about, and the quality of your life…

You now have a choice to end the suffering.

Why delay this?

How much longer are you going to wait to transition from Seeker to Finder?

How much longer are you willing to settle for anxiety, fear, worry—anger, frustration, or loneliness?

How much longer is experiencing less than you know you are capable of going to be okay with you?

How is this affecting your life and the lives of those you care about?

You know you have a choice.

So, how much longer?

If you’ve had a peak experience, you've already gotten a taste of what it is like to live from the other side.

You know how much more remarkable it will be.

If you haven’t, you’ve heard so many others speak about it and have a sense of how much better it is.

Every day you let pass without it is such an unimaginably huge missed opportunity for peace, joy, fulfillment, and greater positive impact on the lives of those you love and the world beyond.

Now is your time.

Join Now to Secure Your Spot in This Finders Course Cohort

To celebrate the release of Finders Course 2.0 we are reducing the enrollment price by 20% so you save $600, but only when you enroll for February.

Click Below To Apply For Finders Course And Secure Your Spot for 20% Off Now:

P.S. If You Aren't Getting Closer, You're Getting Farther Away

If you’ve read this far, then you know Finders Course is what you’re looking for.

And you may have any number of questions, but there is one more finding from our research you should be aware of.

The more actively you are seeking an awakening with anything other than directly transformative practices, the less likely you are to have one.

This is because awakening to non-duality and other forms of Fundamental Wellbeing is an experience unlike any other, and it is inherently difficult to describe. Despite this because it is such a significant experience and fundamental to being human and our evolution as a species—many still make the attempt to describe it.

But all these descriptions do is create and reinforce false ideas in your mind of what it is like to experience it.

Someone can describe sky diving, but unless you’ve done it you have no idea how it actually feels.

The same is true with Fundamental Wellbeing. The ideas and concepts that you form in your mind are just maps of a territory that will only fall short of the actual experience of awakening.

And it’s actually much worse than that.

These ideas and concepts actively make it more difficult for you to transition, because they set a target for your brain that is inaccurate.

The more you listen to spiritual teacher's videos, hear other people’s experiences, and generally try to ‘understand’ what Fundamental Wellbeing is like, the more you program your brain with a false picture of what you’re asking it to achieve.

This reinforcement just gets you further and further from it.

So, if you are serious about experiencing a transition to persistent Fundamental Wellbeing…

You must stop trying to figure it out, and start putting that time into practicing the methods that are proven to most likely get you there.

That’s what the Finders Course is all about.

Secure your spot now.

Because the longer you go without joining, the harder you make it on yourself.

The more podcasts you listen to the more books you read, and the more videos you watch, the more labels you give the experience...

The further away you get from actually having it.

In our research, there's only one way to break these concepts down so you finally can experience a profound shift in your wellbeing—and stay there.

And that's direct experience with these methods that are scientifically proven to shift you into non-duality.

Now is your time.

Apply for Finders Course today and commit to your true nature.