Fluidity and Integration of Layers – Nonsymbolic

Fluidity and Integration of Layers

In addition to showing up as a singular dominant experience, the layers can also be experienced in two ways in which a broader range of layers can become accessible. One benefit of this is that it can allow Finders to go very deeply into Fundamental Wellbeing while remaining highly functional in the world by maintaining good access to Layer 1.


The first way is developing ‘fluidity’ between multiple layers, meaning that a Finder’s subjective perception can shift from one to the other. This shift may take time, or may be developed to the point where it is instantaneous. It can be automatic in response to a given task or environment, or it can be intentionally shifted. Developing some degree of intentional control over fluidity is beneficial for functional purposes, since one can adjust one’s state of perception to better match the environment or circumstances. Some degree of natural fluidity between layers is common in earlier locations, and often interpreted as a kind of instability in terms of FW, while it is actually changes in depth within FW.

Fluidity is also possible across locations, but is less common and generally more difficult to develop. If fluidity is highly developed across layers and locations, in a way that it is instantaneous and highly flexible, we refer to this as ‘hyper-fluidity’.


The second way of experiencing a broader range of layers is ‘integration’ of layers. This is rarer and more difficult to develop than fluidity, and refers to the simultaneous equal experience of multiple layers from a non-dominant perspective.

Often integration happens in what seem like natural combinations. For example, it is common for Finders to develop fluidity or integration of Layer 1 and Layer 3 for the purposes of functionality. Similarly, there can often be some degree of integration of Layer 1 and Layer 2 in Location 2. Integrating all of the layers is possible, but rarely happens spontaneously.

It is possible to develop an integrated perception of all the layers, which functions in the background of subjective awareness, allowing any particular layer(s) to be dominant in the foreground. This integrated backplane is then always there, but a Finder is able to have any layer or combination of layers in focus in the foreground of their perception, which are then fluid as described previously.

Benefits of fluidity and integration

Having perception focused on only one layer could be thought of as limiting the conscious perception of the entirety of one’s being, as well as one’s capacity for expression from it. Because of this, it can make one more prone to imbalance from a psychological perspective. Overall, the greater the flexibility and integration in the system, the more comprehensive the experience of Fundamental Wellbeing can be while simultaneously remaining maximally functional (this would also depend on the location being integrated of course).

Layer 1 is the most practically useful and necessary for functionality in the world. Most Finders “zoom in” to Layer 1 when they need to perform a task that requires the mind, and naturally “zoom out” again to a higher layer once they relax. The range of fluidity Finders have in zooming in and out varies extensively.

In addition to being immensely useful for deepening one’s experience of Fundamental Wellbeing without going to a later location–and therefore for being maximally functional in the world–developing fluidity across the layers is a powerful tool to aid psychological healing and reprogramming. Having access to several layers of depth in Fundamental Wellbeing turns out to be very beneficial for psychological deconditioning. While some conditioning is best addressed from within Layer 1, some is much more effectively released through accessing deeper layers. Every layer, and even different qualities and depths of every layer, is like a different perspective that can have a different effect on psychological conditioning when it experienced from it. The greater the range a Finders has across layers, the greater their ability to work with and release psychological blocks and imbalances.